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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Oil Expulsion-A Consequence of Oil Generation
In source beds, much of the oil-generating organic
matter is concentrated along bedding surfaces. During the
principal phase of oil generation, when adequate thermal
energy is available, 25 to 30 wt. % of the organic matter commonly is converted to
liquids, mainly bitumen with some
water. Part of the bitumen is then thermally cracked to
crude oil. Hydrocarbon gases with some CO2 and
N2 are
generated also; much of the water and CO2 is generated
before oil is formed. The release of fluids from organic matter causes a
reduction in volume of the residual solid organic matter;
however, this volume decrease is offset by the considerably
greater volume of generated fluids. As a result, pressures
increase greatly along sealed bedding surfaces.
Internal (intrasource) migration of oil and gas occurs when
local, transitory fluid pressures become sufficient to part
the bedding laminae and to form or reopen near-vertical
microfractures connecting the partings. Permeable migration
pathways also may develop along laminae as a result
of the reduced volume of the organic matter. Fluids are
driven along permeable laminae and partings, into connecting,
less pressurized laminae where two or more laminae
converge, and along microfractures and faults within
the source sequence. Eventually, high fluid pressures will
develop in most parts of an actively generating source-rock
section if the section is sealed and confined.
Two properties of argillaceous rocks that permit overpressuring
are anisotropy and heterogeneity. Additionally,
enough oil must be generated to increase fluid pressure
sufficiently for local dilations to occur in oil-source rocks.
This requires at least 0.5 wt. % of hydrogen-rich organic
matter. In argillaceous source rocks, clay-sized quartz and
clay provide brittle pressure and fluid seals, susceptible to
microfracturing, on individual laminae. In carbonate-evaporite
sequences, evaporites sealing laminae are less
likely to fracture.
At a given generation site, dilation and fluid release
are followed by a sharp reduction in pressure and closing
of partings and fractures to further fluid movement. Pressure
will again increase and dilation recur at a given generation rate until the fluid
generation rate has diminished enough for the fluid pressure to remain below the dilation
point, that is, the fluid pressure required to open or reopen
any part of the system sufficiently for local internal fluid
migration or expulsion.
A source-rock system functions much like a pressure
cooker. It is self-opening and self-sealing. As liquids are
expressed from a parting into a fracture, the pressure
drops quickly and the fracture will close on the retained liquids, immobilizing them. Silica and/or calcite cement
commonly are, precipitated along such fractures, both
before and after oil migration. Immobilized oil devolatilizes, leaving a solid or semisolid
residue. These materials
enable resealed parts of the system to repressurize and
refracture through the peak gas-generation phase. Thus,
the generation of fluids can provide the means by which oil
and gas are expelled from source rocks. End_of_Record - Last_Page 2---------------