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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Plate Tectonic Influences on Carbonate Platform
and Bank Development
Shallow marine carbonate sediment so prevalent in the
geologic record, is produced dominantly in the photic zone
In warm, clear, tropical water. The underlying controls on
its depositional patterns are hydrography and tectonic
framework. Orientation and shapes, sizes, and sequences
of several sedimentary bodies of first order magnitude, all displaying the general spectrum of carbonate facies, may
be recognized in the geologic record based on a plate tectonic
1. Isolated carbonate platforms may develop on rifted
margins following the patterns of (a) slivered horst
blocks parallel to the cratonal margin or (b) equidimensional
blocks at the margin where marginal rifts have
been transected by faults trending normal to cratonal
edges. These two patterns are recognized at progressively developing passive divergent
margins and may be
part of the following sequence: arkosic red beds with basalt, evaporites, carbonate platforms, and lastly a
major halo of tidal flat dominated sheet carbonate
around the craton. The role of a preceding orogenic belt in helping to form trends at cratonal margins may be
important. Examples are taken from north and east
sides of the African craton in the early Mesozoic and the
western Gulf of Mexico Cretaceous. 2. Tectonic trends within cratonal
basins also cause some distinctive expression of carbonate buildups. (a) Fringes
around the basins (e.g. Cretaceous of northern Gulf of
Mexico). (b) Pinnacles along platforms below basin
margins (north central Texas Pennsylvanian, Silurian of Michigan basin, Zama-Rainbow in the Devonian of
Alberta). (c) Transverse platforms and linear reefs
across basins developed on shifting basement fault
blocks (Late Devonian Leduc and Swan Hills of
3. Finally, elongate carbonate platforms may occur as
plasters against margins of cratonal plates as they override oceanic plates. These are presumed to be reefs and
platforms developed around volcanic archipelagos in
the trench arc system, scraped off the plate and thrown against the craton. These may have faunas
exotic to the
craton upon which they lie and be outside the proper
latitude for their age. Examples are from Jebel Kaur in
Oman and some of the Permo-Triassic terranes of British
Columbia and southern Alaska along the Pacific
coast of North America.
If trends and shapes of major bodies of carbonates can
be so genetically linked to tectonic framework, is it possible
that secondary packages seen in the geologic record
may be also? Or do these lie completely within the control
of hydrographic factors? End_of_Record - Last_Page 2---------------