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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: World Policies and Petroleum Resources
Through 1985
At least 450 billion bbl of oil and 1,020 Tcf of gas have
been produced by the end of 1979. Of the 450 billion bbl of oil,
43 billion or 9.5 percent was produced in 1978-1979 alone; of
the gas, 300 Tcf or 29 percent was produced during the same
The estimated volume of remaining recoverable (proved
plus probable plus potential) oil is 1,830 billion bbl and of gas,
6,950 Tcf. Of these two amounts, between 646 and 735 billion
bbl of oil and about 2,550 Tcf of gas were proved and probable
on January 1, 1978. Therefore, 1978-1979 production
used 7 percent of the remaining proved and probable oil and
12 percent of the remaining proved and probable gas. If
potential oil and gas are included, 1978-1979 production
used, respectively, 3 percent and 4 percent of the remaining
total. Therefore, if one assumes (1) no further growth in the
use of oil and gas and (2) that the estimates for the future are
correct, there is a remaining supply of oil for 76 years and of
gas, 46 years.
However, one should note that 57 percent of the future
oil production will be from the Middle East, North Africa, and
the USSR; and that 60 percent of future gas production will
be from the same areas. The same area (North Africa, Middle
East, USSR) contains 69 percent of the proved plus probable
reserves of the world's oil and 70 percent of the world's gas.
In terms of world politics and current events, these statistics
should be most sobering, particularly with regard to the
future of the OECD countries (western Europe, Canada,
United States, and Japan). For example, these four areas
together consume 14.6 billion bbl per year, but produced
only 4.3 billion bbl. The utter dependence of the OECD countries
on foreign oil increases daily. Therefore, areas of future
exploration and development, and the politics of these areas,
are critical.
Recent events in Iran and Afghanistan, the recent two
attempts to overthrow the Saudi Arabian government, the
Soviet domination of Iraq and Syria, Soviet infiltration and
predominance in Yemen and Libya, and the attempted Soviet
takeover of Algeria should be most sobering. The only important
Middle East country not to be affected by Soviet policies
is Egypt. Yet Egypt has only a fraction of the oil of its neighbors.
Our future interests, in the short term, lie in the North
African and Middle Eastern countries and it is there where we
should be exerting all efforts in foreign policy. It is also there
where terror has begotten terror for a decade, and the
response to terror is power and strength-something which
all countries except those in the West understand best. However,
even OPEC oil is finite, as we have found out about U.S.
oil. Therefore, we should be getting on with exploration in
this country and searching, together with our Western and
Japanese allies, for energy alternatives. Such alternatives
exist, and massive efforts to develop them should be underway,
but are not. If we can get an enlightened policy in
Washington conducive to the development of alternative
energy sources-in which geologists, geophysicists, and
petroleum engineers should be in the forefront-we should
also be able to get an enlightened Washington attitude
toward the petroleum industry, which still has between 50
and 150 million bbl of oil and gas equivalent to find in this
country in places that are easy of access. End_of_Record - Last_Page 2---------------