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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 22, No. 9, May 1980. Pages 3-3.

Abstract: Deltaic Deposition in the Pennsylvanian Upper Morrow Formation of the Anadarko Basin


Donald C. Swanson

Rocks of the late Morrowan age represent a variety of deltaic environmental facies. The important reservoirs are both point-bar and stream-mouth-bar sandstones and conglomerates. Significant associated deposits are prodelta claystones, back swamp-marsh claystones, and meander-channel-fill claystones.

Point-bar deposits are the most important reservoirs, and many well documented examples show their characteristic sizes, shapes, trends, and reservoir characteristics. Detailed data from these areas show relationships which would give reliable clues to the existence of nearby point-bar deposits when dry holes are drilled.

Study of the upper Morrow gives insight into processes of deltaic sedimentation which should provide help in local exploration, production operations, and regional exploration in similar rocks encountered throughout the world. Environmental information from only a few points in the most virgin area should lead to the visualization of paleogeography and sedimentologic processes which could be a guide to an exploration program. Where much data are available, environmental facies analyses can be invaluable in production operations such as field development or waterflood projects.

Many different fields of geology are utilized in a complete environmental facies analyses. Sedimentology, paleontology, stratigraphy, petrography, geomorphology, and structural geology contributed and were coordinated to give the final Morrow interpretations. These various fields of geology, when combined through environmental facies analyses, should provide the petroleum geologist with a tool which will enhance his ability to predict subsurface conditions and will improve his knowledge of reservoir deposits.

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