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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Late Jurassic Reefs of the Smackover Formation
1Tideway Oil
2Gutf Research and Development
3Marathon Oil
Algal and coral reefs are recognized in conventional cores
of the Upper Smackover Formation from southwestern Arkansas eastward into the panhandle of
Florida. Although
only one reef has produced hydrocarbons in commercial
quantities, attractive porosities and permeabilities exist (mean
porosity of 15%, mean permeability of 20 md). These attractive
reservoir characteristics result from fresh-water leaching,
fracturing, a dolomitization. In addition, the reefs may have
been positive structural features in localized areas during
subsequent Smackover deposition and diagenesis. Smackover reefs formed during periods of Late Jurassic
maximum marine transgression (good circulation, clear water,
normal marine salinity). They occur in three major paleogeographic settings: (1) the margins of Paleozoic highs
protruding into the Smackover basin, e.g., Vocation Field in
Alabama; (2) the upthrown sides of basement normal faults,
e.g. Melvin Field and (3) the seaward edges of upthrown salt-cored
fault blocks, e.g., Walker Creek Field in Arkansas, Hico
Knowles and North Haynesville Fields in Louisiana, and West
Paulding Field in Mississippi (Fig. 1). The buildups are commonly elongate, 3 to 40 meters (10 to 130
feet) thick and
generally cover several square kilometers. The reefs occur
higher (younger) in the stratigraphic section downdip. Also,
the reefs are younger and have a more diverse biota in
Arkansas and Louisiana than in Alabama and Florida. Smackover reefs in Alabama and Florida were
constructed by algae. Although vertical relief on the reef
surface during growth may have been only a few meters,
similar reefs in southern Arkansas and northern Louisiana
have a vertical zonation suggesting an evolving reef
community. These buildups of Tubiphytes are stromatolitic
algal boundstones containing scattered corals toward the
base. Diversity increases upward with the occurrence of
abundant corals (Actinastrea, Complexastrea, Thamnasteria,
and others), sponges, skeletal algae, and byrozoans. The reefs
are commonly underlain and overlain by subtidal peloidal lime
packstones containing oncolites and scattered fossils. These
buildups can develop in close proximity to subtidal quartz
Figure 1. Structural setting of late Jurassic Smackover reefs.
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