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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Relation of Illite/Smectite Diagenesis
and Development of Structure in the
Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin
Water expelled from smectite into the pore system of the
host shale during the process of diagenesis may migrate out of
the shale early or may be totally or partly trapped and released slowly through time. When the water
is trapped, abnormal
fluid pressures develop which partly controls the geometry of
growth faults and related structures in basins formed through
rapid deposition. Dips of some faults in Texas have been
observed to flatten rapidly within the interval of smectite diagenesis and some faults formed in the overpressured
Miocene and younger sections become bedding plane types at
depths near or above the temperature level required for
thermal generation of petroleum. This observation suggests
that while these faults may be important for fluid migration at
shallow depths, they play a minor role in moving hydrocarbons
out of deep shales in much of the Texas offshore area.
Fluid movement upward through microfracture systems
overlying and extending upward from fault trends in the pre-
Tertiary section is proposed as a mechanism for flushing fluids
from the deep portion of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin.
This flushing process would be enhanced by smectite diagenesis since large volumes of trapped water derived from
smectite could cause the microfracturing process to continue
for longer periods of time and to extend to greater depths than
could be attained if only remnants of original pore water were
present in the section. End_of_Record - Last_Page 2---------------