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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Mozambique: The Search for the Subtle Trap
After 35 years of exploration and the drilling of 61 wells
(12 offshore), only three discoveries have been made in
Mozambique. These discoveries are the onshore gas fields
found by Gulf: Pande-1 , Buzi and Temane. Reserves for these
fields range from 500 BCFG to 1.4 TCFG.
Pande-1 was discovered in 1961 based on geophysical
studies. The entire area is covered by forest and recent
sediments which add to the complication of a structural
interpretation. The second gas discovery, Buzi-1, was made in
1962. At this stage, an attempt was made to determine
whether photogeology could afford a clue to subsurface
exploration. A study of the Buzi surface area revealed a
photogeologic anomaly covering the seismically indicated
subsurface structure. The same coincidence of surface and
subsurface structure appeared to be true for the existing
Pande Field when the study was extended to that area. With
these encouraging results in hand, the surface study was
extended to cover the entire concession area. The final
assembly of data indicated not only major fracture trends
related to the East Africa rift system but also a number of
additional structural anomalies. An intensive three-year
drilling program based on this photogeological study combined
with seismic information resulted in the discovery of only two
additional gas accumulations (the Temane-2 and Pande-5
structures), although approximately 50% of the wells had
The question then arose, 'Why so many dry structures?"
A reconstruction of the structural evolution of the known
fields indicates a possible answer. The discovered gas fields
were composed of traps with both structural and stratigraphic
components which had been present since Maestrichtian
time. Structural growth may have continued throughout the
Paleocene. At the end of Paleocene time, the entire coastal
belt began tilting to the east as a result of the drifting apart of
Madagascar from Mozambique. This tectonic event altered the
equilibrium of subsurface fluids and a regional migration of
hydrocarbons was set in motion. During the Eocene and
Oligocene, prograding, foreset beds began to be deposited
progressively from west to east. These were the so-called
"seismic inclined beds" discovered in the Buzi area and dated
by palm as Eocene to Oligocene in age. Additional tilting
occurred during the Miocene. Only those structures having a
stratigraphic seal updip, that is, the "subtle traps", had a good
chance of retaining the hydrocarbons received early in the
migration phase. End_of_Record - Last_Page 4---------------