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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Growth Faults and Salt Tectonics in the Houston Diapir Province -
Relative Timing and Exploration Significance
Oil and gas accumulation in Gulf Coast Tertiary strata is
mainly controlled by regional growth faults and by salt-related
structures. Salt forms the most prominent set of structures in
the Houston diapir province of southeast Texas. Recent work
in three study areas shows that the Tertiary growth-fault
trends so well displayed along strike to the southwest continue
through this salt basin as well, but have been deformed by
later salt movement.
In the Katy area, seismic data disclose early (pre-Wilcox)
salt pillows downdip of the Cretaceous reef trend.
Progradation of the lower Wilcox Rockdale delta system
created a linear growth-fault trend above and seaward of the
pillows. Salt stocks were injected upward from the pillows in
Claiborne time and were flanked by deep withdrawal basins
and turtle structures. Major oil accumulations occur over an
inferred turtle structure and over deep-seated salt domes. The
lower Wilcox growth-fault trend deformed by the later salt
flowage is virtually unexplored, although geopressured gas
production from these low-permeability deltaic reservoirs
exists in adjacent areas. In Brazoria County, a major lower Frio growth-fault trend
affecting the Houston delta system was deformed by later salt
domes, by a salt-withdrawal basin, and by a possible turtle
structure at Chocolate Bayou. A productive geopressured
aquifer exists in the salt-withdrawal basin bounded by the
previously formed growth faults. In Jefferson County, in
contrast, salt tectonic activity and growth faulting appear to
have been coeval. Early salt-cored ridges continued to rise
throughout Frio deposition; growth faults occur both updip and
downdip. Salt diapirism may have occurred throughout Frio
time at Orange and Port Neches salt domes, but other domes
such as Spindletop formed in post-Frio time. Hydrocarbons
accumulated over the salt domes in growth-fault anticlines
and in stratigraphic traps. Contemporaneous, low-intensity
growth faulting and salt movement may be ascribed to the
minimal loading imposed by the sand-poor lower and middle
Frio section.
Recognition that shelf-margin growth faulting preceded
the development of the present pattern of domes and basins
has important implications for hydrocarbon exploration.
Growth faults may be migration paths for hydrocarbons; furthermore, early-formed traps, distorted by
salt movement,
may still be found to contain hydrocarbons. End_of_Record - Last_Page 3---------------