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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 26, No. 7, March 1984. Pages 2-2.

Abstract: A Coordinates Geological-Geophysical Approach to Finding Stratigraphic Traps


Eugene R. Brumbaugh

Many stratigraphic traps have been found on the gently dipping flanks of the stable sedimentary basins in the United States. Many more remain to be found. The sedimentary environment is becoming well known in most of these basins. This information combined with detailed studies of the already discovered and developed stratigraphic traps allows one to anticipate the type of trap and the tools needed to detect these traps in most areas being explored.

Studies of clastic, erosional and carbonate stratigraphic traps indicate that most have a detectable anomaly associated with them. Some have a minor structural anomaly that is near the level of seismic structural resolution. These and others often have interval thinning in the sediments overlying the trap that is detectable using well data isopach and/or seismic isochron techniques. Most have a high impedance contrast reservoir unit that is thick enough to be detected using seismic wave form and reflection amplitude techniques. A coordinated use of these geological and geophysical tools is discussed briefly in this paper.

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