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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: DSDP Leg 96, Mississippi Fan
The Mississippi Fan is built by a number of elongate fan
lobes that are stacked slightly laterally and they also prograde
basinward. Each fan lobe is basically a channel-levee-overbank
system that can be divided longitudinally into an
upper fan-lobe, a middle fan-lobe, and an outer fan-lobe. Each
fan lobe is connected to a different submarine canyon: the
youngest lobe being connected to the Mississippi Canyon.
The Mississippi Canyon was formed 20,000 to 26,000
years ago by retrogressive slumping. The upper fan-lobe is
characterized by a large erosive channel that is nearly filled.
The northern part is confined between diapirs, the southern
part contains a central channel in its fill. The middle fan-lobe is
convex upward, about 400m thick, and has a 3-4 km wide
sinuous channel at its apex. This channel is migratory in
nature and the channel fill contains gravel at its bottom (top of
an acoustically high-amplitude zone). The lower fan-lobe is
also aggradational, the channel becomes smaller and less
sinuous and it changes character from migratory to frequent
shifting laterally. The channel has a short life span and may
show bifurcation at its downcurrent end just before this
shallow channel changes into a sheet-sand type deposition.
The source material for the fan has a very low sand/clay
ratio. The central channel acted as a conduit for coarser
sediment leaving part behind as a lag deposit and dumping the
remainder on the outermost lower fan where we found sand
deposits up to 10 m in thickness and net sand percentages in
two units of 47% and 66%. These percentages represent two
major depositional events during the last Wisconsin glacial.
Little sand and coarse silt accumulated on the levees and
overbank areas.
Accumulation rates are extremely high: nearly 12m/1000 years on the mid fan (both channel and overbank)
and 5-7m on the lower fan.
The distribution of sediments found on the Mississippi
Fan may be representative of many major fans. However, it
differs from models presented in the literature. The main
reason may be that outcropping ancient turbidite sequences
were deposited in active margin settings rather than passive
margins. End_of_Record - Last_Page 2---------------