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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Oil and Gas Accumulations
in Overthrust Belts
Overthrust belts are zones of high crustal mobility leading
to major vertical and lateral movements of rock units. They
developed throughout the geologic history of the globe. Their
preferred habitat is the active continental margin but intra-oceanic
and intra-continental occurrences are common too,
indicating that interactions of crustal blocks are a more general
setting. Oil and gas fields exist only in small portions of the
known overthrust belts. Their distribution is closely related to
the present existence of generative depocenters. Preservation
of hydrocarbon fields formed prior to or during thrusting is rare
at best. Most oil and gas fields in overthrust belts have been formed after the major thrust
deformation. Definition of present effective depocenters and prediction
of preferred lateral and vertical hydrocarbon migration are the
main parameters in any basin evaluation of play definition, in
overthrust belts as well as in normal basins. A comparison of successful and
unsuccessful exploration campaigns in different overthrust belts shows that such
present effective depocenters
exist in portions of thick overthrust sections as well as in overthrusted foreland arms. Mainly
because of destruction of
older accumulations, Neogene times of hydrocarbon generation,
migration and entrapments are most important. Examples
from the American Cordilleras, the Alpine-Carpathian belt, the
Pindus trend, North- and West-Africa, Papua New Guinea all
follow comparable geologic principles. End_of_Record - Last_Page 3---------------