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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Dutch North Sea
North Sea exploration commenced with the 1958 discovery
of the 70-TCF Groningen Field in northern Holland.
Since then, over 20 gas fields and 5 oil fields have been
discovered offshore Netherlands. The major orogenies affecting the Netherlands are
Hercynian (Carboniferous), Kimmerian (Jurassic), and
Laramide (Tertiary). The London Brabant Massif, Mid-North
Sea High, and TExel High have been positive tectonic elements
throughout most of geological time. Platforms and basins were
formed during the Kimmerian and Laramide by rifting and inversion. Traps are mainly a result of this rifting and inversion
or salt moment.
Gas reservoirs range in age from Carboniferous to Triassic
and are sourced by Carboniferous coal beds. Jurassic shales
are the source rocks for oil produced mainly from Cretaceous
sandstones. Oil and gas are readily sold in the local Dutch market. Oil
prices are not regulated and gas is equated on a BTU basis to
fuel oil imported into Rotterdam. The offshore has been divided into blocks of approximately
100,000 acres and the government has the right to acquire a
working interest of 50% in new gas end oil discoveries. Bonuses and surface rentals are paid to the government on an
acreage basis while a sliding scale royalty is paid on the
wellhead value of produced hydrocarbons. A series of taxes,
which are creditable against U.S. taxes, gives the government
approximately 65% and the licensee 35% of derived income. End_of_Record - Last_Page 3---------------