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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: The Hostile Takeover of Free Enterprise
Corporate America is witnessing today what I term a blight on our free enterprise system, a blight on our vital industries, a blight on our business and scientific professions, and a blight on our national security, our national economy, our very lives. That blight takes the form of raiders, arbitragers, greenmailers, sharks-cold, calculating profiteers who in my opinion care only for their instant gratification and not for the industries they are infiltrating, weakening, and destroying in the name of "shareholders rights".
Also, I can only surmise that they do not care about the personal and community losses that are the result of their actions. Even in Houston we are already seeing the impact of raiding tactics on petroleum companies, on their employees and their families, and on our regional economy as well. As I see it, the moral, ethical and social foundation which characterize our free enterprise system have been ignored and the lure of quick profits are destroying those values. If our free enterprise system becomes a "frightened 'enterprise system" we will all be losers - businesses and industries, investors, consumers and, more so, the country as a whole.
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