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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Geology and the Environment
as Seen from Low Earth Orbit
Astronauts aboard each mission of the Space Shuttle record some 2,000 hand-held 70 mm and 4 inch x 5 inch format still-camera photographs of terrestrial, marine, and atmospheric phenomena. Photographs are taken from flight altitudes of 110 to 330 nautical miles depending upon specific primary payload mission profiles. Variable altitude, coupled with the flexibility to photograph from nadir to Earth limb perspective using a variety of camera lenses and film types, has provided an extensive library of dramatic Earth views. These beautiful photographs, many with ground resolution to less than 10 meters, are public-domain data available to private citizens at little more than the cost to produce a 35 mm slide or color print.
This presentation offers a series of slides to illustrate the dramatic perspective of Earth afforded our astronauts as they orbit in the Space Shuttle. Views include some of the classic geological features on the Earth's surface, immense tropical storms, colorful oceanographic features, and documentation of subjects of environmental concern. Fundamentals of orbital mechanics and Shuttle crew activities will also be discussed to provide an understanding of the geographic distribution of photo coverage and the frequency of site revisit afforded by the Space Shuttle.
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