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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Monitoring Changes in a Sediment-Starved
Texas Beach Following the Removal of
an Erosion-Prevention Structure
The Texas Open Beaches Act prohibits the construction of any erosion-prevention structures on Texas beaches. The recent forced removal of such a structure just south of Sabine Pass, Texas provides the opportunity to study the redistribution of trapped sediments by the longshore current. Locally the coastline has undergone considerable erosion clue to subsidence, sea level rise and trapping of sediment from the Sabine River before it is distributed by the longshore currents of the Gulf of Mexico. The shore to the west of the jetty location has retreated substantially due to sediment starvation caused by the jetty in addition to the other factors listed above. The beach on either side of the former jetty position is being monitored to determine if the removal of the jetty will significantly alter the rate of shoreline erosion. An initial topographic map of the heavily eroded shore immediately west of the jetty is being surveyed using plane table and alidade. Additional preliminary surveys have been made of the areas adjacent to the topographic map area. These surveys will be used to establish a base map on which subsequent sediment movement can be shown. Aerial photographs and historical papers will be utilized to further document sediment movement.
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