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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 34, No. 1, September 1991. Pages 12-12.

Abstract: Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of a Shelf-Margin Lowstand Wedge in the Deep Wilcox Flexure Trend of South Texas


John W. Snedden

An integrated sedimentologic and biostratigraphic study of 15 wells and over 1400 ft. (430m) of core facilitated establishment of a Previous HitsequenceNext Hit stratigraphic framework for the deep Wilcox Group of South Texas. This Previous HitanalysisNext Hit also revealed the presence of a dip-restricted, sand-prone sediment wedge which produces hydrocarbons in growth-fault structures.

A Previous HitsequenceNext Hit stratigraphic framework for the Wilcox was constructed via the use of "faunal-increase" markers, thin intervals present in Previous HitwellNext Hit cuttings characterized by rises in the relative abundance of planktonic foraminifera. These marine flooding horizons can be utilized to subdivide the Wilcox Group into four depositional sequences termed P (Paleogene) -8, P-7, P-4, and P-3, in descending order. Identification of "standard" Previous HitsequenceNext Hit-bounding unconformities is hampered by the poor seismic expression of the Wilcox and the structural complexity of the area.

The Paleocene-age P-3 depositional Previous HitsequenceNext Hit is unusual as dip correlation indicates that it is restricted to the flexure trend, tapering rapidly up depositional dip. This aggradational sediment wedge has no preserved coeval fluvial/coastal plain system and can be miscorrelated with the "Massive" Upper Wilcox of the P-8 Previous HitsequenceNext Hit. The wedge has a maximum thickness of 2000 ft. (620 m) but a dip-length of less than 10 mi (16 km).

In cores, the section is dominated by fine-grained, burrowed to flat-laminated sandstones formed in wave-dominated shoreface and shelf environments. Evidence of deposition at the shelf margin, with attendant high levels of wave energy, may explain the abundance of wave-generated stratification in these sandstones.

P-3 Previous HitsequenceNext Hit sandstones commonly occur in stacked, coarsening-upward parasequences and larger scale aggradational parasequence sets. The P-3 Previous HitsequenceTop is interpreted as a shelf-margin lowstand-wedge prograding complex developed just after a rapid sea level fall at 60 Ma. The lowstand wedge can be linked with an unconformity present within the Midway interval of the updip stable platform area.

Recognition of the P-3 shelf-margin lowstand wedge also has important implications for exploration in the Wilcox flexure trend. It demonstrates that thick packages of sandstone may be found basinward of the apparent "shale-out" of updip sandstones. Shelf-margin lowstand wedge sandstones have a greater strike-continuity and higher net/gross ratios than downdip basin-slope submarine fan complexes.

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