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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 34, No. 9, May 1992. Pages 26-26.

Abstract: Detection of Naturally Occurring Micro-Fractures


Jamal Ass'Ad

The effects of oriented cracks in rocks (azimuthally anisotropic medium) on seismic shear-wave propagation are characterized through scale-model seismic experiments utilizing disc-shaped inclusions in an isotropic epoxy matrix. Models built with rubber inclusions are analogous to fluid-filled cracks, microcracks, veins, and 'hard' inclusions. Shear-wave velocities are calculated using the first arrivals, and velocities measured from Previous HitdataNext Hit for two different models with Previous HitvelocityNext Hit (S1) is almost constant and in agreement with the calculated Previous HitvelocityNext Hit for the isotropic medium. However, the slow shear-wave Previous HitvelocityNext Hit (S2) decreases with increasing crack density up to a crack density of 10%, where a Previous HitvelocityNext Hit increase is observed. This Previous HitvelocityNext Hit increase at high crack density leads to a reduction in the Previous HitvelocityNext Hit anisotropy (G). In contrast, for models with aluminum (stiff) inclusions, both fast (S1) and slow (S2) shear-wave velocities are increased. Consequently, a consistent increase of Previous HitvelocityTop anisotropy (G) is observed. Shear-wave splitting in the case of rubber (soft) inclusions is more pronounced than its counterparts with aluminum (stiff) inclusions. Results of this study may be applied to detecting and differentiating between fluid-and mineral-filled cracks, veins, microcracks, and inclusions.

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