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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Making an Old Gem Sparkle:
The Rejuvenation of
McAllen Ranch Field, Texas
Over the last three years, Shell's McAllen Ranch Field
in Hidalgo County, Texas, has increased daily production
rates by nearly 300%. This dramatic increase in production
is due to a combined program of recompletions, commingling
and an aggressive development drilling campaign,
touched off by a field study and supported by a 3-D
survey. This recent development program has been very
successful. The first eighteen wells have booked over 100
BCF and additional drilling locations are being evaluated.
This paper highlights the development program which
concentrated on optimizing well locations through a better
understanding of structure and stratigraphy. A detailed
study of the "S" sand in North McAllen has shown this
reservoir to be a stratigraphic trap with structurally related
porosity development and capillarity-controlled downdip
limits. Updip production limits have been identified by the
event amplitude on the 3-D
seismic survey and are supported
by well control. Structural mapping from the
indicates that, in addition to a number of major faults, the
"S" sand is broken by a series of radial faults that exhibit
small amounts of throw (<100 feet). They do not act as seals
but do influence well locations.
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