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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 35, No. 4, December 1992. Pages 14-14.

Abstract: Three-Dimensional Resistivity (3DR) Images as Applied to the Environmental Industry: A Cost- and Time-Saving Alternative


James Pritchard

As Applied to The Environmental Industry: A Cost- and Time-Saving Alternative The 3DR IMAGE technique, an adaptation of the Electromagnetic Offset Previous HitInductionNext Hit Log (EOL) of the mining industry, can significantly reduce the number of bore holes and monitor wells needed to characterize environmental sites. One bore hole or monitor well can be used to remotely view resistivity changes in the subsurface (to total well depth) over an area of at least four acres.

The 3-D resistivity image derived from a log-location grid of 40 logs/acre generally gives, at a minimum, qualitative evidence of and intelligence about contamination sources. Contamination plumes, and/or geology of a site. This intelligence indicates optimum locations for soil borings and monitor wells. The intelligence gained from these borings and wells integrated with the 3DR Image intelligence leads to a well planned Remedial Action Plan (RAP) with impressive cost savings.

The presentation will give a rudimentary introduction into Geophysical Previous HitInductionTop Techniques, their applications to environmental investigations, and case history examples of results. The 3DR case histories will be displayed on a Silicon Graphics Workstation.

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