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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: The Significance of Textural, Compositional, and
Diagenetic Interaction on Porosity Development in
Gulf Coast and Other Reservoir Sandstones
Porosity development in reservoir sandstones is greatly influenced by diagenetic processes which characteristically are programmed by pre-burial conditions of depositional facies and framework composition. Textural and mineralogical characteristics can have a great impact on discrete chemical and physical diagenetic processes affecting the sand body. Commonly, these effects (e.g., cementation, compaction) result in considerable modification of pore space in part or all of the sequence and significantly influence exploration and exploitation strategy.
Depositional Factors
including lithology,
sedimentary structures, and texture
(mainly grain size, sorting) have had a
pronounced effect on porosity development in Gulf Coast and other sandstones.
Commonly, discrete diagenetic
processes are segregated within sandstone
sequences on the basis of grain size
trends attributed to variation in depositional
energy. In lower Miocene (offshore
Texas) and Jurassic Norphlet (offshore
Alabama) sandstones, physical and
chemical compaction effects are most
pronounced in finer-grained facies
resulting in irreversible porosity loss.
Chemical compaction (pressure solution)
processes in these intervals likely
provided an in situ source of silica and
carbonate cement which selectively precipitated
in adjacent/nearby coarser-grained
sandstone intervals. In addition,
pressure solution effects on grain and stylolitic
scale along argillaceous/organic
bed laminae may result in the development of effective barriers to vertical fluid
flow in sandstones (e.g., Nubia, Gulf of
Mineralogical composition of reservoir
sandstones is extremely critical to
effective porosity development, as framework
grains of contrasting composition
behave differently with burial diagenesis.
Labile lithic fragments (volcanic, metamorphic,
sedimentary) may be subjected
to significant physical compaction by
ductile grain deformation. The degree
of porosity reduction by this mechanism
is governed by the type, abundance, and
distribution heterogeneity of lithic components
within the depositional environment.
In contrast, the alteration of particular
types of framework components
may aid in porosity preservation or
enhancement within a sandstone
sequence. The selective dissolution of
detrital feldspar in lower Miocene sandstones
from Matagorda Island (offshore
Texas) accounts for up to 30% of total
effective porosity. Correspondingly, diagenetic alteration of minor amounts of
volcanic detritus (3-8 volume percent
) in
several Tuscaloosa Sandstone intervals
(upper Cretaceous, Louisiana) has resulted
in the development of authigenic
chlorite coatings (5-13 volume
which have preserved primary intergranular
interstices by inhibiting the precipitation
of quartz cement. Principal pre-burial
controls on sandstone
composition include provenance, transportation,
and mineral partitioning within
the depositional environment. In sedimentary
basins possessing a common
sediment source, the concentration of
framework components due to variations
in size, shape and density can result in
significant differences in the intensity of
diagenetic reactions and ultimately,
porosity distribution within a sandstone
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