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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 37, No. 1, September 1994. Pages 9-9.

Abstract: Gulf of Mexico Turbidite Prospects: Outcrop and Modern Analogs for Tahoe and Ram Powell Fields


Roger D. Shew
Shell Research

Previous HitReservoirNext Hit characterization and delineation are critical in early prospect evaluation and Previous HitfieldNext Hit development. Reservoirs dominated by thin-bedded deposits with subordinate channels are particularly problematic because logs and conventional 3-D seismic cannot resolve the detailed Previous HitreservoirNext Hit architectures and rock properties that are necessary for accurate Previous HitreservoirNext Hit evaluation and simulation. Reservoirs of this type have been penetrated as both primary and secondary objectives throughout the Gulf of Mexico. In particular, the Viosca Knoll Area in the eastern Gulf of Mexico contains multiple Miocene and Pliocene thin-bedded reservoirs.

The approach used to model these reservoirs, where there is limited "hard data to help resolve Previous HitreservoirNext Hit internal features and continuity, involves: 1) detailed core and high-resolution log evaluations to establish stacking patterns, permeability and porosity distributions, and net/gross; 2) analog outcrop studies and high-resolution seismic data over a shallowly buried channel-levee system to establish conceptual models of deposition, specific information on vertical and lateral facies relationships, and bed length distributions; 3) use of deterministic and probabilistic techniques to construct the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit architecture and then to assign detailed rock properties from core to individual layers and; 4) detailed Previous HitsimulationsNext Hit for well test design and production performance predictions that preserve the geologic and petrophysical detail. Analog studies, depositional models, core data, architectural models, and comparison of predicted and actual Previous HitfieldNext Hit results are presented. Tahoe Previous HitFieldNext Hit and the Ram/ Powell prospect in Viosca Knoll will be briefly described to illustrate the method, predictions, and Previous HitreservoirTop potential.

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