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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Case Study of Recommended Program
for Extraction of NAPL Contaminants
at Hill Air Force Base, Utah
Rice University
Rice University's Environmental Science and Engineering Department has been researching the methods for identifying and locating NAPL (nonaqueous phase liquid) contamination at two field sites on military bases in the U.S. The goal is to demonstrate the utility of using extraction enhancement technologies to remove NAPL contaminants from a hazardous waste source area. The first recommended site for evaluation is the Hill Air Force Base in Salt Lake City, Utah. Surfactants, co-solvents, and soil-vapor extraction are being tested for effectiveness in a series of isolated cells in the field. The ability to implement these processes and other evaluation criteria were incorporated into a technology selection methodology.
In addition to covering the traditional aspects of extraction process design, the scope of the project addresses some concerns unique to the contaminated Air Force base. Individual cells, 3 X 5 meters in size, are to be installed in the ground and fitted with multilevel samplers at 12 to 15 locations per cell. The subsurface characterization assesses the ability of certain technologies to delineate subsurface NAPL contamination and the applicable scale and resolution of the extraction technologies. The research plan accounts for both the saturated and unsaturated aquifers. The technology evaluation methodology determines both the technical feasibility and the practical implementation of the proposed process. The comprehensive nature of the assessments should result in a significant reduction in time prior to the widespread application of these technologies.
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