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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 37, No. 9, May 1995. Pages 13-13.

Abstract: Using New Sequence Stratigraphy Concepts and 3-D Seismic Imaging to Evaluate Bend Conglomerate Reservoirs


Previous HitDavidTop L. Carr and Bob A. Hardage
Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas

The Bureau of Economic Geology has assembled a detailed geologic, petrophysical, and engineering database describing properties of Bend Conglomerate reservoirs in a 30 sq. mi. area of Boonsville field, Wise and Jack Counties, Texas. These subsurface data were later supplemented with a 26 sq. mi 3-D seismic survey that used several novel techniques to achieve high-resolution images of thin-bedded units. This presentation will illustrate how modem sequence stratigraphic concepts were applied to these older historical well logs to describe detailed stratigraphic relationships in the Bend Conglomerate in a new and insightful way. There is no published equivalent of this type of sequence stratigraphic analysis now being applied to the Bend Conglomerate.

We will present the screening techniques used to analyze the reservoir engineering data to determine where unpenetrated Bend Conglomerate reservoir compartments might exist, and these engineering concepts will be integrated with the sequence stratigraphy results. The procedures used to produce high-resolution 3-D seismic images of subtle Bend Conglomerate reservoirs will then be discussed, together with the borehole seismic techniques that were used to calibrate the thin-bed sequence stratigraphy to the surface-recorded seismic data. To date, two wells have been drilled on the basis of these research concepts, and these case histories will be presented.

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