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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 38, No. 3, November 1995. Pages 14-14.

Abstract: 4-D Seismic Interpretation Technologies and their Application to the Eugene Island 330 Field, Offshore Louisiana


Roger N. Anderson
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York

The Global Basins Research Network has developed 4-D volume processing and Previous HitattributeTop analysis algorithms to identify significant seismic amplitude interconnectivity and changes over time that result from active fluid migration. To accomplish this 4-D imaging, we use multiple 3-D seismic surveys done several years apart over the same blocks.

We have applied these 4-D analysis techniques to known production from the most prolific Pleistocene oil field in the world, the Eugene Island 330 Field, offshore Louisiana. Three main producing reservoirs were examined at 4,500, 5,400, and 7,200 ft. Dim outs were detected where production depleted oil and gas during the interval of investigation, and amplitude increases were observed where gas/oil ratios increased during production. The "oil/water contact" movement was detected by the 4-D technique. When combined with active pressure add temperature monitoring, repeated 3-D seismic imaging of producing fields promises to identify missed hydrocarbon zones and to provide the critical production management information of the future.

In addition, we have imaged fluid flow pathways that are actively recharging shallower reservoirs in the field from fluid sources that appear to be turbidite stacks within salt withdrawal mini-basins buried deep within geopressure. Fault zone conduits provide the migration pathways out of geopressure. If correct, large reserves remain untapped within the deep shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico.

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