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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 38, No. 7, March 1996. Pages 9-9.

Abstract: Real-Time Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit Improves E&P Decision Making


Diana McSherry
CogniSeis Development

Real-time Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit has significant implications for the E&P industry. The ability to reach an Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit while fundamental exploration and production processes are underway holds the promise of substantially improving outcome while acquiring Previous HitdataNext Hit, drilling wells, and managing reservoirs. "Real time" means that Previous HitdataNext Hit can be visualized and interpretations performed during acquisition, processing, drilling, and production. "Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit" in this context includes all the tasks needed for forming a consistent 3-D subsurface model: Previous HitdataNext Hit processing, analysis, modeling structural and stratigraphic Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit, reservoir simulation, and model integration with production Previous HitdataNext Hit.

The benefits of real-time Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit are significant. If interpretations are performed while acquisition is underway, the turnaround time for drilling decisions can be significantly shortened. In addition, navigation and seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit can be quality controlled much more effectively with full processing Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit during the acquisition phase. With respect to drilling, not only can the target area be hit more effectively if it is visualized, but there is a substantial reduction in blowout risk with real-time Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit. Finally, reservoir management can be done much more effectively with the ability to continuously update the model during production.

To achieve real-time Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit, new information technology is needed. Real-time 3-D Previous HitdataNext Hit processing during acquisition requires fast parallel computers together with appropriately parallelized software. Effective utilization of different Previous HitdataNext Hit types from separate locations requires new information access tools such as interactive video teleconferencing. The ability to visualize 3-D Previous HitdataNext Hit with embedded Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit requires new voxel-based technology. Synthesis of all Previous HitdataNext Hit types and Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit requires a software framework such as TerraCube, OpenWorks, or GeoFrame.

The goal for real-time Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit is to improve outcome through better and faster decisions. The method for achieving this goal is to use new technology to provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the subsurface and to minimize time spent by the interpreter searching for projects, reformatting Previous HitdataTop, and learning new software. The user remains the critical element of the system because it is the user who exercises the judgment, imagination, and creativity to make final decisions, and it is the user who will make these decisions in real time while processes are underway in order to improve outcome.

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