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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 38, No. 8, April 1996. Pages 11-11.

Abstract: DREAM™-Drilling and Real-Time Previous HitMigrationNext Hit: A New Method for the Geophysical Monitoring of Wells


Debra Dishberger and Geoff Mills
Western Geophysical

Well locations are usually based on the interpretation of seismic sections. During drilling there is little opportunity to update the geophysical information on which the location of the well was based. The "Previous HitmigrationNext Hit while drilling continuously" (MWDC) method is a new approach that uses data obtained while drilling to update the geophysical model of the area surrounding the well. AGIP and Western Atlas are developing a software package (DREAM™) that combines the MWDC Previous HitprinciplesTop with software from Western Atlas.

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