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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 39, No. 3, November 1996. Pages 11-11.

Abstract: Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation Utilizing 3-D Seismic Previous HitCoherenceNext Hit


Dan Morris
President, Previous HitCoherenceNext Hit Technology

The application of 3-D Previous HitcoherenceNext Hit processing provides the oil community with an exciting new technology which significantly impacts the economics associated with improved 3-D interpretation accuracy and productivity, while extracting a vast amount of information from the 3-D seismic waveform which would otherwise be overlooked.

The technique is equally useful to geophysicists, geologists, and reservoir engineers to help build a more accurate reservoir model. Working closely with the interpretation staff, the specialized Previous HitcoherenceNext Hit processing geophysicist can optimize the parameters to focus the features of interest. The spatial changes detected in the seismic waveform can readily be related to geologic features and depositional environments. Faults and fracture systems can now be spatially imaged and directly mapped from the Previous HitcoherenceNext Hit Previous HitcubeNext Hit without the tedious task of drawing faults on each vertical section and proceeding blindly without prior knowledge of their spatial position.

A case study focuses on a south Louisiana data set, the impact that Previous HitcoherenceTop technology had on the interpretation, and the economic impact realized.

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