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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 43, No. 1, September 2000. Pages 17-17.

Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy and Previous Hit3DNext Hit Modeling of a Pennsylvanian Distally Steepened Ramp Reservoir: Canyon and Cisco Formations, South Dagger Draw Field, New Mexico, USA


Scott W. Tinker1, Donald H. Caldwell2, Michael D. Brondos2, Janine L. Carlson2, Denise M. Cox2, William D. Demis2, Jeffry G. Hamman2, Leonard C. Laskowski2, Kurt A. Miller2, Laura C. Zahn2, and Lise Brinton3
1Bureau of Economic Geology
2Marathon Oil Company

Three-dimensional geologic models are often described as "products" of the reservoir characterization process, when in fact they might better be considered "tools" for reservoir management. For a Previous Hit3DNext Hit geologic model to be used as a reservoir management tool, it must be a reasonably accurate representation of the rock and fluid system in the earth volume of interest. Integrated Previous Hit3DNext Hit geologic modeling is a highly iterative, hierarchical process. Each step of the workflow builds and is dependent upon prior steps. Each Previous HitdataNext Hit type used in reservoir characterization results from a unique experiment measuring different volumes of rock. Sophisticated, calculation-intensive algorithms, designed to run on powerful hardware systems, are now available to help integrate these different Previous HitdataNext Hit types. However, hardware and software are only tools, and effective Previous Hit3DNext Hit reservoir modeling must involve an iterative process of geological interpretation, petrophysical analysis, seismic processing and inversion, and the application of mathematical algorithms. The iterative reservoir characterization process involves several significant challenges, including defining and adhering to a reasonable workflow, handling multiple Previous HitdataNext Hit types to fill the interwell volume with petrophysical Previous HitdataNext Hit that describe reservoir behavior accurately, and testing the Previous Hit3DNext Hit model interpretation.

South Dagger Draw field is presented as a case study to demonstrate our reservoir characterization workflow. South Dagger Draw is a Pennsylvanian reservoir located in southeast New Mexico. It produces from vuggy porosity formed along fractures and dominantly in algal mound complexes located at the ramp margin. A detailed sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of logs, cores, predicted facies, and Previous Hit3DNext Hit acoustic impedance Previous HitdataNext Hit, guided by a depositional model derived from description of cores and outcrops, defined a series of complex sigmoid-oblique prograding clinoforms. This stratigraphic framework is the input for Previous Hit3DNext Hit geologic modeling.

Seismic and log Previous HitdataNext Hit were integrated into a Previous Hit3DNext Hit geologic model using a new approach based on rock physics rather than geostatistics. The approach recognizes that acoustic impedance (AI) values, derived from accurate, iterative inversions of Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit, represent the only true measurements of the complete earth volume of interest. Therefore, instead of treating the A1 measurements as "soft" Previous HitdataNext Hit and conditioning the model results to the limited earth sample measured by well logs, the A1 Previous HitdataNext Hit are treated as valid, and the log Previous HitdataNext Hit are conditioned to the seismic using nonlinear rock and fluid physical equations. The result is a Previous Hit3DNext Hit geologic model that acknowledges the error and scale differences inherent in the subsurface Previous HitdataNext Hit (core description, core analysis, wireline logs, and Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic) and attempts to integrate the Previous HitdataTop on the basis of physical principles, and provides a forward modeling approach to test the result.

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