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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: The Ellenburger of West Texas and the Devonian
Keg River of Western Canada:
Case Studies where Deep Burial Dissolution Controls
Dolostone Reservoir Development
Dravis Geological Services
Houston, Texas
Case studies of Devonian dolostone reservoirs from Western
Canada (Keg River, Swan Hills, Leduc, Blueridge,
Wabamun) establish diagenetic
/porosity relationships that bear
on the timing of porosity evolution in Ellenburger dolostones
from West Texas.
Deep-burial dissolution controls reservoir quality in many of
these deeper Devonian reservoirs. Diffused plane-polarized light
and fluorescence microscopy allow recognition
of relict textures
fabrics in these dolostones that were previously
invisible with standard petrographic light. These enhanced
petrographic techniques prove that replacive dolomites, and
their subsequent dissolution, are deep burial in origin. Further,
what often appears to be vuggy or intercrystalline porosity is,
in fact, fabric-selective moldic porosity, demonstrating that
reservoir quality in many of these dolostones is facies-controlled.
Detailed core studies of Keg River dolostone pools from the
Rainbow Sub-Basin of Northwestern Alberta consistently reveal
that dolomites replaced carbonate grains already sutured by
pressure solution. Dolomitization, therefore, occurred coincident
with, or after, incipient pressure solution. Since these grains
were leached, their dissolution also occurred during burial.
Deep-burial secondary porosity development is further
evidenced by dissolution of dolomitized grains and matrix along
stylolites, or along fractures that cut stylolites. Stylolites and
fractures often terminate in secondary pores, implying that they
were conduits for diagenetic
fluids. Dissolution of late-forming
saddle and other dolomite cements provide further evidence of
burial dissolution. Brecciation, which is not uncommon in this
sequence, is simply a grander expression of burial dissolution.
Breccias formed under deep-burial conditions consisted of clasts
containing stylolites that were rotated at different angles to each
other and the horizon. Keg River diagenesis and porosity
evolution, as well as pool entrapment, was controlled by
reactivated basement faults related to a nearby master wrench
fault, the Hay River Fault.
Ellenburger dolostone reservoirs on the Eastern Shelf of Texas,
such as Suggs and Withers fields, underwent deep-burial
replacement dolomitization and subsequent dissolution.
Petrographic criteria
noted above for the Keg River in Canada
are replicated in cores and thin sections of these West Texas
dolostones. These timing relationships, along with other
fabrics, imply that faults and fractures related to a
master wrench fault, the Ft. Chadbourne, were the conduits for
fluids that promoted deep-burial dissolution
of dolomites and secondary porosity development.
Unconformity-related diagenesis was not responsible for
reservoir quality in these dolostones.
Case studies of dolostone reservoirs from Canada and the Ellenburger demonstrate that the timing of dolostone reservoir development is more accurately resolved when enhanced petrographic techniques are rigorously applied. Failure to understand the timing of secondary porosity development in any carbonate reservoir severely limits one's ability to exploit it.
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