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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 45, No. 2, October 2002. Pages 11-11.

Abstract: Interpreting Complex Traps from Seismic Outcrops Lithology, Porosity, and Fluids are Now Possible to Image with Seismic


Gordon VanSwearingen
Houston, Texas

"The present is the key to the past," was stated by Hutton over a century ago. Today the present is focused on technology, specifically, the improved image capabilities of seismic data. With the recent developments in "Seismic Petrophysics," it is now possible to image lithology, porosity, and fluids on the seismic data.

The ability to image lithology, porosity, and fluids allows us to attack complex traps from a geological perspective. We can switch gears from amplitudes, impedance, and reflectance to actual geology. That means we are no longer looking at seismic, we are looking at "seismic outcrops." This allows us to do a more detailed geologic interpretation. Trap settings become much more apparent in the geologic domain than in the seismic domain. Also, the interpreter can concentrate on the specific trapping mechanism, such as facies changes, porosity variation, or an unconformity.

Several examples are reviewed illustrating geological solutions to complex trapping problems. These include porosity variations in a fluvial reservoir, lithologic variations in a nearshore marine sequence, and the identification of a gas-depleted zone.

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