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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 45, No. 3, November 2002. Pages 15-15.

Abstract: Progressive Seismic Previous HitDataNext Hit Mining for Reservoir Characterization


M. Turhan Taner, Gareth Taylor, David Dumas, and Richard Uden
Rock Solid Images, Houston, Texas

Recent years have seen remarkable technological advances in seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit acquisition and processing. It is now commonplace for marine vessels to acquire a terrabyte of Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit per day and for some of the larger Previous HitdataNext Hit processing centers to achieve daily throughput in excess of 10 terrabytes of seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit. These exponential increases in available Previous HitdataNext Hit represent huge Previous HitdataNext Hit management and Previous HitdataNext Hit interpretation challenges to our industry.

There are clear similarities between the seismic exploration industry and the Internet in terms of the volume of information that is available for analysis; it therefore makes perfect sense to deploy Previous HitdataNext Hit mining tools and methodologies developed for other industries to address the needs of the oil and gas exploration business.

"Previous HitDataNext Hit mining is a process that uses a variety of Previous HitdataNext Hit analysis tools to discover patterns and relationships in Previous HitdataNext Hit that may be used to make valid predictions" (Two Crows Corp.). The Previous HitdataNext Hit employed for gas exploration in this study are seismic attributes, and the Previous HitdataNext Hit enrichment process employs a neural network classification scheme.

Seismic attributes are a specific class of mathematical constructs of the propagated seismic wavefield. However, many attributes are simple numerical derivatives that provide little additional discrimination, from one to the other. The primary goal of the Previous HitdataNext Hit mining exercise is to establish appropriate seismic attributes that, in combination, afford the maximum discrimination of hydrocarbon indicators.

The phased workflow represents a progressive information enrichment process. The initial phase, conducted in the absence of well Previous HitdataNext Hit, generates attributes appropriate for the prospects being mined. The attributes are next organized using statistical tools to select those affording the appropriate discrimination. The next phase organizes the multi-attribute response into a manageable set of discriminating classes, thereby enriching the information content concealed in the attributes. Final phases' seek to extract knowledge from the classification by calibration to known prospectivity determined from well Previous HitdataNext Hit, yielding such properties as lithology, porosity, and fluids.

Each phase delivers a Previous HitdataNext Hit product in its own right, so the seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit miner can select the appropriate number of phases for the task at hand.

This seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit mining workflow will be discussed as it applies to multiple seismic attribute volumes calculated from a Previous Hit3DTop dataset acquired on behalf of Forest Oil Corporation over the Ibhubesi Field in the Orange River Basin, RSA.

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