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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Delineation of a Diagenetic Trap Using P-Wave and Converted-Wave
Seismic Data in the Miocene McLure Shale, San Joaquin Basin, CA
EOG Resources Inc., Denver CO
North Shafter and Rose oil fields, located in California’s San Joaquin basin, produce hydrocarbons from a subtle stratigraphic trap within the Miocene Monterey Formation. The trap-reservoir system was created during burial of a thick diatomaceous shale sequence that forms various diagenetic facies. Integration of well and 2D P-wave seismic data shows that a significant amplitude anomaly is present over both the reservoir (quartz) and seal (Opal-CT) facies making delineation of the updip edge problematic. The porosity of the Opal-CT and reservoir quartz facies ranges from 24–50%.
Petrophysical analysis and seismic modeling result in the following conclusions. Opal-CT and hydrocarbon-saturated quartz have nearly the same acoustic impedance. Opal-CT is low density while hydrocarbon-saturated quartz is low velocity. The presence of gas-saturated oil in the quartz reduces the interval velocity in a manner similar to the Gasmann effect in high-porosity sandstones. The down-dip wet quartz interval is not associated with a seismic amplitude anomaly because its impedance is similar to that of the bounding shales. Finally, converted-wave data, that chiefly image lithology rather than fluids, can be used to delineate the low-density Opal-CT from the higher density quartz.
Based on these conclusions, 2D converted-wave data were acquired to complement P-wave data. From these data sets the regional Opal-CT-to-quartz phase transformation boundary was mapped and a matrix of amplitude signature verses facies was constructed. This work formed the basis for mapping the hydrocarbon- saturated quartz facies.
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