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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 46, No. 2, October 2003. Pages 23-23.

Abstract: Integrated Study of a Sub-Salt Deep Water Turbidite Play (Gulf of Mexico) Supported by Behind-Outcrop Examples from the Lewis Shale (Wyoming) and the Jackfork Formation (Arkansas)


Gerald J. Kuecher
Baker Atlas GeoScience, Houston, TX

Imaging tools are sophisticated descendants of dipmeter tools and provide vertical resolution of less than one centimeter if sufficient contrast is present. Such resolution makes possible a great number of structural and stratigraphic applications. These include the identification, orientation and angle of fractures, determination of degrees of fracture fill, paleotransport and identification of fine sedimentologic features sometimes not apparent in cores.

The deep water turbidites examined are from tests in Green Canyon Previous HitBlockTop 562, a behind-outcrop test well of the Lewis Formation (Wyoming) and a quarried channel exposure of the Jackfork Formation (Arkansas). Image logs calibrated to core showcase the vertical resolution of this tool, even in oil-based muds.

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