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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 46, No. 6, February 2004. Pages 19-19.

Abstract: Environmental Geoscience and Litigation: Dos and Previous HitDonTop’ts, Now or Later


Michael D. Campbell
M. D. Campbell and Associates

The geoscience profession practiced within either a public or private company can be rewarding and intellectually stimulating, or it can also be frustrating and costly. Flaws in the practice of geoscience can and often do lead to litigation. Certain professional responsibilities go along with practicing within the profession that involve protecting human health and the environment. Beyond that, the methods employed are of paramount importance in avoiding litigation. The methods necessary depend on the level and type of education and training. As a Licensed Geoscientist in the State of Texas, the individual has met certain requirements in formal education and experience but these do not protect the individual or associated company from litigation. First, the individual must have passed through the normal progression of working in the field and gaining increasing experience by first working under the supervision of experienced senior professionals. Having appropriate support personnel available, such as chemists, microbiologists, engineers, and others is mandatory in order to function appropriately in the multidisciplinary environmental field of today. Access and use of relevant technical literature augments professional training and experience. Project scoping, combined with appropriate execution, reporting and documentation are integral features of project management. Minimizing any one function opens the individual or company to errors and omissions. Assessing all relevant data without preference allows for the appropriate evaluation of surface and subsurface conditions. For example, knowledge of the difference between the water table and first water encountered, the nature of how certain industries typically contribute to local contamination of soil and ground water, and the differences involved in whether the individual consultant or company performs as a geoscience consultant or contractor all need to be well considered and understood in practicing geoscience today or there may be litigation in the future.

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