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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 47, No. 7, March 2005. Pages 41-41.

Abstract: Rigel Field Appraisal and Development


Richard Fowler and Ed Frame
Dominion E&P

The Rigel exploration well, the Texaco OCS-G-18207 #1, was drilled in 1999 in GOM block MC252 in 5200' water depth. The well targeted a Miocene age, low-relief downthrown closure/ stratigraphic trap that was supported by a strong amplitude response on the 3D seismic data. The results of the Rigel exploration well were disappointing (see log strip below). The well encountered what was interpreted to be a 176' thick gas-charged, low-permeability siltstone in the Rob E-age target. This reservoir was believed to be uneconomic at that time. This presentation focuses on a few stalwart individuals’ efforts to continue to pursue appraisal of this marginal discovery. These efforts included pre-appraisal geologic Previous HitmodelingNext Hit, reservoir Previous HitmodelingTop and analog work. The presentation will show the results of the appraisal drilling and compare the post-appraisal model with the pre-appraisal model.

The appraisal drilling by Dominion, the operator, with its partners, Mariner and Newfield, was highly successful. As a result, the Rigel Field is currently being developed as a one-well subsea tieback, as part of a larger subsea system. The project is well underway and expected to begin production in 2005. The presentation will also demonstrate the methods used to enhance the profitability of the development after appraisal drilling was completed.

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