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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 47, No. 9, May 2005. Pages 45-45.

Abstract: Reservoir Previous HitModelingNext Hit for the Rest of Us


John Mouton
Object Reservoir

Object Reservoir (OR) has developed a new finite-element based technology that makes reservoir Previous HitmodelingTop practical for exploration, not just mature production, and for small, quickly depleted single-well reservoirs, not just old mature fields with hundreds of wells. John says this is not your father’s simulator: unlike the old finite-difference technology, where the reservoir is depleted before you can get any answers, OR can for example help diagnose problem wells, design completions, design or diagnose fracs, give better reserves estimates, and forecast production—from your wells or the competitor’s well on the other side of the fence. OR has worked for more than 50 clients, mostly independents, and has worked on over 300 wells, offshore and deepwater GOM as well as onshore in Texas, Oklahoma, Canada and international. OR primarily works as a service company today, but is beginning limited deployment of its technology as commercial software with a handful of clients.

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