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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 48, No. 1, September 2005. Pages 59-59.

Abstract: Seismic Considerations for Classifying Resources/Reserves


Jeffrey S. Ogilvie
Noble Energy Inc.
Houston, Texas

It is important for planning and reporting that corporations have a clear assessment of the volumetric quantities of hydrocarbons as both OGIP/STOOIP (original oil in place/stock tank original oil in place) and recoverable resource/reserves. Recently developed and approved by the SPE, AAPG, and World Petroleum Congress is the “Resource Classification System” adopted by numerous oil and gas companies. Geophysical technology and its application, often referred to as “seismic considerations,” can have significant impact to reserve/resource classification and available bookings under this system.

The purpose of this talk is to stimulate discussion and recommend a set of clear yet stringent guidelines for the proper application of such geophysical technology when classifying resources/reserves. Some examples will be shown for how geophysical tools such as optical stacks, rock property Previous HitanalysisNext Hit, fluid substitution, seismic synthetics and 3D amplitude extractions can be integrated with Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit data to aid reserve/resource classification. This pertains specifically to extrapolation away from the wellbore as Previous HitwellTop as both below the lowest known hydrocarbon (LKH) and above the highest known hydrocarbon (HKH). An appropriate level of sophistication and redundancy is suggested as necessary to meet SEC guidelines of “reasonable certainty” to classify resources/ reserves accordingly using seismic data.

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