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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: The 4-D Gravity Method and Water Flood
Surveillance at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
University of Texas at Dallas
It has long been recognized that repeated gravity surveys could be used to track changes in either elevation or mass distribution in the Earth. The technology to effectively track mass distribution changes resulting in μGal level signals over long periods of time has matured in recent years. The Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, water flood surveillance project has hastened that development and set a new standard for the conduct of time lapse or 4-D gravity surveys. This talk will review the history of the Prudhoe Bay efforts and some of the milestones achieved along the way.
The Prudhoe Bay reservoir
water flood is
the largest ever undertaken and is intended
to repressurize the gas cap and maintain declining production
over a period of decades. It is difficult to monitor the progress of
the water due to a lack of wellbores located in the gas cap. The
4-D seismic method will also be used, but it is limited by expense
and permafrost. In 1993 Jerry Brady and Don Walcott, then at
ARCO Alaska, started to consider the application of repeated
surface and borehole microgravity surveys to monitor the
water flood.
The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) became involved in a
theoretical investigation of the possibility of gravity surveillance.
An inversion procedure was formulated and tested on synthetic
gravity data based on reservoir
. Various 4-D gravity
noise scenarios were proposed and the resolution of the method
determined. At about the same time (1994), a program of
experiments was initiated to refine procedures for actually
obtaining the type of data required for the modeling. It soon
became clear that the state of the art would require some
extension to achieve that goal.
In successive field
experiments, conducted in the Arctic winter,
microgravity measurement techniques (both relative and
absolute gravity meters) and geodetic measurements using the
Global Positioning System were refined. The noise levels to be
expected in the 4-D gravity data were characterized and a
long-term monitoring program was planned, involving about
300 stations. In 2002 a full-scale baseline survey was conducted
and late in that year water injection commenced. Repeat surveys
were conducted in 2003 and 2005, and a third survey is planned
for this year.
The 4-D data over the 2002 to 2005 interval
has been modeled and the water flood has
been detected. Model results resemble
predictions from reservoir
are also producing unexpected results
that should help the
understand the actual situation in the
ground. The methodologies and standards developed for this
project are now being used to plan surveys in other areas.
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