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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 49, No. 1, September 2006. Pages 13-13.

Abstract: Modeling a Structurally Complex Reservoir — Boquerón Field – Eastern Venezuelan Thrust Belt


C.L. Farmer, R.J. Marksteiner, R.A. Clark, and R.L. Hedberg
BP Venezuela Holdings Ltd.


A structural and reservoir model was constructed for Boquerón Field in order to plan locations for development and injection wells. Four wells were drilled which tested the validity of assumptions used for the model. The deterministic approach for building the model was satisfactory in terms of predicting the geometry and distribution of the reservoir in areas close to well control. However, in flank areas the structural geometry was not accurately modeled. Depth conversion of the seismic did not originally incorporate complex Previous HitvelocityNext Hit variations in the imbricated Carapita shale above the reservoir. The structural model was corrected by creating a time-depth cube that accounted for these Previous HitvelocityNext Hit variations.

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Boquerón Field is located in the Eastern Venezuela Basin along the El Furrial Trend approximately 20km north east of El Furrial Field (Figure 1). The field, discovered in 1989, has cumulative production of about 44 million barrels (12/2004). Current daily production averages between 8,000 and 10,000 barrels of 28-33 API high asphaltene oil. The depth of the reservoir ranges between 15800 and 17200 ft. TVDSS.

Figure 1. Location Map Eastern Venezuela.

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