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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Society Bulletin
Abstract: Cultural Resource Management and the Earth Science
Professional: A Houston Area Perspective
HRA Gray & Pape, LLC.
Professional geologists are often involved in the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) or other projects that involve a Cultural Resources Management (CRM) component. One common example is an archaeological survey of a project area (e.g. a well pad site) to partly satisfy requirements for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetland permit. Geologists and archaeologists typically work on different aspects of NEPA projects; therefore many geologists may not be aware of how the business of geology affects and is affected by the CRM process. However, an understanding of CRM is not just useful for the environmental geologist. CRM data can prove useful in understanding the local geology and the historical development of geology and related industries in a region. CRM can be a useful tool for teaching all levels of earth science, and can prove helpful in community service such as the work that HGS is doing with Houston’s Project Respect to preserve and restore historic cemeteries across Texas.
This talk is aimed at introducing CRM to the professional geological
community in Houston, including earth science teachers. It
will begin with a brief introduction to CRM regulations, principles
and processes, then use selected case studies from the greater
Houston area to illustrate how geologic data have been used to
facilitate CRM projects, how geologists and archaeologists can
work together to streamline NEPA projects, and how the CRM
the education community.
The focus of this presentation is to demonstrate how Houston’s earth science community can benefit from CRM. It is hoped the lecture will provide impetus for developing a more comprehensive HGS Continuing Education Committee workshop on the subject.
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