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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 49, No. 7, March 2007. Pages 23-23.

Abstract: De-Risking Deepwater Sarawak with Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Imaging


Andrew Thomas1, Kevin M. Robinson, Paul Baltensperger, William Schneider, Alan J. Finlay, Chandra Velu, and Paula Hix
1NewField Exploration

In late 2005 Newfield and Petronas Carigali acquired controlled source electromagnetic imaging (CSEMI) Previous HitdataNext Hit over a series of rank wildcat prospects in the Deepwater 2C block, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. The CSEMI , Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic and remote sensing Previous HitdataNext Hit were used as a risk reduction tool to high grade a prospect for drilling in late 2006. An exploratory well has since been drilled.

The CSEMI survey acquired 390 km of Previous HitdataNext Hit along 10 lines over 11 prospects and two dry holes. The prospects are Pliocene turbidites and large structures at the mid Miocene unconformity (MMU). Water depths were generally greater than 1000 meters with reservoir targets 1500 to 2500 meters below the sea floor. Sediments are primarily shales and sands with resistivities in the 1.5 to 2.5 ohm range. Previous HitDataNext Hit with a fundamental transmission frequency of 0.25 Hz were collected at approximately 1 km intervals along the lines.

A series of EM anomalies, 20 to 60 % above the normalized field amplitude, were found over a number of the Pliocene turbidite prospects and large MMU structural prospects, although not all of the turbidite or MMU prospects showed EM anomalies. In addition no EM anomalies were found at the two dry holes. Comparison of unconstrained and constrained 2.5D EM inversion, with the Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic Previous HitdataTop, indicated that the EM anomalies coincided with prospects identified on seismic. There was good agreement where the EM lines crossed.

A positive test of the EM anomalies will considerably reduce future exploration risk in the block.

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