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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 50, No. 09, May 2008. Page 23-23.

Abstract: The Bossier Play (Tithonian) of the East Texas Basin: Controls on Stratigraphy and Play Concepts—An Update

George Devries Klein
SED-STRAT Geoscience Consultants, Inc

Sandy depositional environments in the Bossier Shale (a mud-dominated system) of the East Texas basin range from fluvial to deep water. Their occurrence is controlled by a combination of climate and sea level change.

Sequence/seismic stratigraphic analysis of well logs and 2-D seismic lines from the East Texas basin demonstrates that the Bossier Shale can be subdivided into two sequences separated by a major sequence Previous HitboundaryNext Hit (SB-2). Bossier Shale is also bracketed by a basal (SB-1) and upper (SB-3) sequence Previous HitboundaryNext Hit separating it from the Cotton Valley Lime below and the Cotton Valley Sand above.

In seismic sections, the mid-Bossier (SB-2) Previous HitboundaryNext Hit was identified by tracing mounded reflectors and sigmoid signatures representing basin floor and slope fans. SB-2 correlated onto the shelf below stacked deltas. In well log sections, basin floor fans were traced laterally into slope fans and stacked deltas. These basin floor and slope fans represent a lowstand systems tract, whereas the Lower Bossier represents a transgressive systems tract and the Upper Bossier is a prograding complex.

Burial history analysis suggests the Lower Bossier accumulated during rapid mechanical subsidence when the East Texas Basin was underfilled. Sea level drop associated with the SB-2 represents a major climate shift from tropical to cooler Previous HitconditionsNext Hit favoring rapid influx of sands from the ancestral Mississippi, Ouachita and Red River Systems. These sands developed inner shelf prograding deltas, outer shelf and incised valley fill stacked deltas, and basin submarine fan systems. Their occurrence is due to a combination of global cooling and sea level change.

Recent exploration activity in Robertson County, Texas, appears to focus on base-of-slope to basin floor fan plays. Alternate explanations are possible and may include distal pro-deltas at the shelf-edge of incised valleys. The distribution of associated deepwater- equivalent seismic features over a wide area suggests long-term Previous HitpotentialNext Hit for the developing Bossier Play.

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