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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 51, No. 08, April, 2009. Page 29 and 31.

Abstract: Using Modern Cave Systems as Analogs for Paleokarst Reservoirs

Charles T. Feazel
Subsurface Technology, ConocoPhillips

Dissolution processes, hydrology, void dimensions, and architecture are useful in understanding karsted rocks that serve as reservoirs for oil and natural gas. Three-dimensional cave surveys can be Previous HitusedNext Hit to assign properties to “karst” cells in geocellular models. Surveys of long karst passages (e.g., Yucatan flooded caves) can be Previous HitusedNext Hit to infer connectivity (i.e. how many “karst” cells can be neighbors?).

Karst processes ranging from surface weathering to deep burial dissolution have affected numerous karsted intervals that host petroleum accumulations. Recognition and prediction of subsurface paleokarst from seismic or borehole information and prediction of Previous HitpotentialNext Hit petroleum production involves addressing the following questions:

• Does the layer in question consist primarily of carbonate rocks?

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• Is there evidence to suggest subaerial exposure of the carbonates?

• Can a humid paleoclimate be documented?

• What was the paleo-relief?

• Does the tectonic history include episodes of jointing, faulting, or fracturing that would focus flowing water in the paleohydrologic setting?

• Is there reason to suspect burial dissolution?

• Did karst dissolution pre-date petroleum migration?

• What differences would karsting make to wellbore deliverability, well spacing, drilling operations, injection strategies, and production profiles?

Analogs and regional studies incorporating the elements of these questions can be Previous HitusedNext Hit in the exploration and production workflow to identify Previous HitpotentialTop problems and opportunities, to constrain geo-model input, and to improve communication of subsurface risks and uncertainties.

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