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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 51, No. 10, June, 2009. Pages 23 and 25.

Abstract: The Ethics of Licensed Geophysical Data: The Data Owner’s Investment, Rationale, and Code of Practice

Chip Gill
President, International Association of Geophysical Contractors

Seismic data are increasingly part of the everyday work of geologists and geophysicists, particularly for those who work in the petroleum E&P industry. These data, often accessible using company servers and personal computers, are easily copied into PowerPoint™ presentations and e-mail documents or saved as screen captures or raster image files. Most scientists have never read the contracts that underlie the licensing of seismic data and have a range of understanding and misunderstanding about the terms of the ownership agreements and appropriate uses of these data.

This presentation will focus on the ethics of using, reproducing, and presenting non-exclusive geophysical data. The types and uses of these data their ownership and licensing, history, and inherent risk-reward trade-offs will be explained. Specific attention will be given to the ethical obligations of users of non-exclusive geophysical data. Namely, what may users do with the data and what are they not free to do. When must permission be requested to present and reproduce the data? The intent of this discussion is to avoid misunderstandings in the use of geophysical data and potential ethical conflicts.

In this presentation, I will describe an industry code of practice for the use of licensed geophysical data, including specific practical guidance for users to help them ensure that common license terms and conditions are met. The presentation will describe the elements of the typical data use license agreement which non-exclusive data owners commonly misunderstand. Presented examples will provide further clarification.

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Typical seismic data.

Marine seismic data acquistion.

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