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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 52, No. 5, January 19, 2010. Page29 - 29.

Abstract: Municipal Setting Designations in Houston

Richard Chapin
City of Houston

Do you want to know what a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) is, how it can help you and how we got here? This presentation will answer those questions and discuss the MSD process in Houston. An MSD reduces the health risk to people living and working in the area by preventing use ofcontaminated ground water. An official notice that the ground water is contaminated and cannot be Previous HitusedNext Hit will be filed on the applicant's deed in the property records and the ban will be enforced by the city. This can help a contaminated site be developed or redeveloped because the requirement to investigate and remediate existing contaminated groundwater for use as potable water may be eliminated. Some success stories and some Previous HitpotentialTop pitfalls will also be discussed.

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