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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: The Past and Future Development of Africa’s Play Systems:
Why Regional Geology is More Important than Ever
Neftex Petroleum Consultants
and Surestream Petroleum
This talk reviews the new plays that have been identified in onshore
and offshore Africa in the past 15 years, the messages that these
play breakers have for explorers in the region, and speculates on some
of the themes
which will categorize future new discoveries.
Historically, the oil and gas reserves of Africa have been found to be heavily concentrated in just five countries: Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, and Angola, and these have been the focus of the majors’ exploration efforts. Many of the basins of these countries are now creaming, with the notable exception of the Eastern Mediterranean portions of Libya and Egypt, where there have been recent discoveries in “new” plays that have partial analogs to shelfal and onshore petroleum systems. Clearer play breakers, in comparison, have come from new countries such as Ghana, Israel (geologically Africa!), and Uganda, with the exploration effort led by independents such as Tullow, Kosmos, Hardman, Heritage, and Noble. These companies have seemed to be more willing to take on the risks of frontier exploration, often being willing to carry one significant technical risk into a drilling phase. Many of their results have challenged established geological paradigms on trap styles and reservoirs, though few of them are truly in new petroleum systems, most forming extensions of or strong analogs to the main source rock systems of the continent (Figure 1).
Main African petroleum systems and recent play-breakers. Source: Burke et al, 2003.
Key learnings and themes
from these play breakers include:
1. the high stratigraphic-trapping potential
of turbidite systems on slopes and bypass
zones, as particularly seen in Ghana,
Mauritania, and Equatorial Guinea.
Such potential almost undoubtedly
extends to other regions of the West
African and other African margins.
The most successful strategy appears
to have been to use regional geology
to focus on regions of former sand
input close to kitchens on the main
African source rocks and then conduct3D
to look for subtle traps with
DHI expression (e.g. Ghana, Figure 2).
2. exploration moving further out onto basin floors, as testified by
Noble’s report of over 100 m of gas pay in the pre-salt on the
Levantine basin floor. This and outcrop analogs from São Tomé
challenge existing sedimentological models for such distal settings.
3. a surprisingly large contribution from non-marine systems
amongst the new play breakers, especially if recent discoveries
on the conjugate margin of Brazil and the Falklands are included.
(Both were attached to Africa at the time of formation of their
key elements.) This is accompanied by an untraditionally low
contribution from shallow marine systems. Both Cretaceous
and Neogene graben systems are contributing here, which show
some striking similarities (Figure 3), from which explorers in
both systems could benefit.
4. the impact of a highly dynamic petroleum system in the
Albertine basin of Uganda in making effective trap styles that
conventionally would be considered as very high risk.
5. learning from systems such as the Murzuk basin and onshore
Congo that many, if not most, African onshore basins contain
source rocks that underwent greater burial and maturation
than is apparent from present-day burial
depths. This conclusion, which opens up
plays in relatively shallow basins, can be
very much tied to Africa’s recent tectonic
history and the frequency of Miocene
plume uplifts responsible for the ‘basin
and swell’ topography of the continent.
Play focusing on Kitchens, seeps and sediment input prior to 3D
and discovery, Ghana
Evolving petroleum plays in Central Africa. Source Surestream Petroleum
So where will be the next new petroleum
province of Africa? We can hazard a guess
it will again lie along the trend of one of
the major source rock systems and that there is one element of it
that we do not fully understand and therefore currently over-risk.
The new play breakers help us considerably, especially if we fit
them to an ever-updating model of African tectonics, climate,
drainage systems, and source rock distributions in order to accurately
identify analogs. None of the five learnings and themes
listed above are likely to be one-offs.
Key challenges are to:
1. reconstruct the palaeogeography of Africa as it influenced the
regional supply of turbidites to Cretaceous margins and thus
high-grade basins and regions for 3D/DHI risk reduction.
2. develop technologies for exploring for stratigraphic traps
below the DHI floor.
3. identify additional ”sweet spots” for exploration in the East
African rift system with minimal direct data
on these basins’
sediment fills.
4. identify regions of maximum trap-preservation potential in
basins with complex structural histories, particularly on the
East African margin.
5. accurately reconstruct the burial history of onshore basins
containing developments of the major African source rocks
(Figure 1) to identify where maturity has been underestimated.
A final challenge is to acknowledge that
Africa’s petroleum geology has surprised
us on many aspects of these recent play
breakers and will continue in future to
challenge the paradigms we have established
from the basins we are most familiar
with. Success may, however, come to those
who best integrate the regional geology to
reduce their exposure to risk, but still make
allowance for Africa’s petroleum geology to
surprise them, positively or otherwise.