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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 54, No. 07, March 14, 2012. Page 21 - 21.

ABSTRACT: Due Diligence for Sustainable Development of Previous HitUnconventionalNext Hit Oil and Gas Resources

William C. “Bill” Spence
ERM Houston, Texas

The shale industry is under scrutiny. Today’s business environment requires that companies exercise higher standards of care in conducting operations. This presentation will address the need to perform due diligence and describe Environmental Resources Management’s unique front-end-loaded approach to due diligence for sustainable development of Previous HitunconventionalNext Hit oil and gas resources. Mr. Spence has provided transaction oversight to approximately 20 Previous HitunconventionalTop oil and gas plays in North America.

Unnumbered figure


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