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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


The Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 56 (2014), No. 6. (February), Pages 25-27

Abstract: Treasures of the T-Zone: an Overview Of Louisiana’s Transition Zone—Past, Present, and Future

Andy C. Clifford1

The Transition or T-Zone is defined as an area where the water is too shallow for the acquisition of marine seismic data with towed streamers. These areas are located in shallow water near the shoreline and in marshes and lagoons where water depths are typically less than five feet. In a broader sense, the Transition Zone refers to the area of marshland and swamp that constitutes a swath of Southern Louisiana 30 to 50 miles wide, running parallel to the coastline.

HGS560025-fgu1.jpg (2,827 bytes)Figure.  

Many of the Gulf Coast’s giant oil and gas discoveries have been made in the Transition Zone but the majority of these discoveries were made in the 1950s or earlier. Three-dimensional seismic data were notoriously of inferior quality in the Transition Zone because of the difficulties and cost of data acquisition across the land/sea interface. Additionally, data acquisition has been hindered by the presence of field facilities and infrastructure such as tank batteries, compressors, and pipelines. Because of the high cost of data acquisition, many of the earlier surveys were compromised either in terms of overall quality or due to the areally-limited extent where data were collected only on the crests and immediate flanks of salt domes, with little or no three-dimensional survey coverage between known fields.

HGS560025-fgu2.jpg (1,890 bytes)Figure. South Louisiana barge rig inventory

The author will show examples of some notable successes among the independents and will try to demonstrate that there is substantial untapped potential remaining in the T-Zone. This potential is not just in the “ultra-deep” plays, but also in plays at conventional depths and even in the “ultra-shallow.” Trap styles, seismic data, and log data will be presented.

Biographical Sketch

Andy Clifford is President and Director of Saratoga Resources Inc., Houston, a small, publicly-traded independent oil and gas producer with operations focused on the inshore transition zone of Louisiana state waters. Mr. Clifford has more than 33 years of experience in domestic and international Previous HitexplorationNext Hit, development, and production and a proven track record of Previous HitexplorationNext Hit and acquisition success in practically every important basin in the world. He is credited with the discovery of over two billion barrels of oil equivalent in Africa, Alaska, Asia, Gulf of Mexico, Latin America, and the UK North Sea. He has worked for ExxonMobil, Kuwait Oil Company, BHP Billiton, and Aurora Gas. Prior to ExxonMobil, Mr. Clifford worked for GSI and Horizon Previous HitExplorationNext Hit. He has a BS in geology from London University and is a frequent speaker a and published author on Previous HitgeophysicsTop as well as a variety of energy related topics.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Andy C. Clifford: President and Director, Saratoga Resources, Inc.

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