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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 56, No. 02, October 2013. Pages 21 - 21.

ABSTRACT: Geohazard Prediction in Deepwater Wells: When the Reservoir Becomes the Enemy

Alan R. Huffman
SIGMA3 Integrated
Reservoir Solutions Inc.

In recent years, drilling safety requirements have become more challenging as ultra-deep wells have demonstrated that basic undercompaction models are inadequate to predict pressures in high pressure-high temperature (HP-HT) environments. The requirements of these wells have forced pressure prediction to adapt to environments where diagenetic processes and hydrocarbon maturation are dominant (unloaded environments), and where chemical compaction takes over from undercompaction as the dominant factor in determining rock property changes (secondary compaction environments). Adding to the complexity of the pressure prediction process is the interplay between shales and reservoir rocks.

As pressures and temperatures increase, the window between the formation pore pressure and fracture pressure narrows. In HP-HT environments, the lateral extent, structural position, and architecture of the reservoirs become much more critical to the viability of a prospect. They also determine the range of safe depths where a specific reservoir can be penetrated without the risk of a pressure influx that could jeopardize the drilling operation. In this setting, geopressure prediction and reservoir pressure computation become essential components of the prospect risking exercise. While the explorationist desires large reservoir bodies in deep prospects to allow sufficient reserves to justify the high cost of an ultra-deep well, he must also recognize that large reservoir extents can threaten the viability of the prospect. To mitigate this risk, the exploration team must use all the available information to determine the extent of the reservoir, its structural position, and its interaction with faults and other potential flow conduits. This information can then be integrated with 3D shale pressure volumes to predict column heights for specific fluids and the reservoir pressures at any specific penetration point in the subsurface. The accurate prediction of the reservoir pressures at a specific penetration point can be the difference between an efficiently managed drilling operation and a potentially catastrophic pressure influx event.


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