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Houston Geological Society Bulletin


The Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 58 (2015), No. 1. (September), Page 21

Abstract: Soil Sampling Utilizing Horizontal/Directional Drilling Methods

Previous HitDavidNext Hit S. Bardsley1

Horizontal/directional drilling (HDD) methods have been utilized in the environmental drilling industry for the installation of monitor and remediation systems. New refinements in drilling equipment, steering/locating technology and sampling tooling have given consultants, site owners and drillers the ability to use the technology to obtain soil samples using HDD technology.

The specific tooling technology includes a variety of soil samplers for use in multiple types of geologic conditions. The equipment is designed for use with small (less than 25,000 lb. capacity) drilling rigs which require a small surface operating footprint.

Benefits of the method include:

  • Accessing areas under obstructions limiting or preventingthe use of vertical drilling equipment.

  • Steerable drilling assembly allows for multiple samplesfrom one borehole or rig up location.

  • Bore entry point can be located in areas where overlyingformations are not contaminated, eliminating the potentialfor cross-contaminating vertical formations.

  • Reduce crew risk by moving the drilling equipment fromhazardous locations; e.g., busy roadways, ponds andmanufacturing-operating units.

Several recent projects detailing the effectiveness of horizontal/directional soil sampling operations will be examined, including sampling beneath a river, sampling beneath a waste storage lagoon, and sampling beneath a landfill.

Biographical Sketch

Previous HitDavidNext Hit Bardsley has over thirty-one years of water supply/environmental drilling experience working in a variety of settings across the United States. He started his career as a drill rig helper advancing through various technical and managerial positions in both small and large companies. He is familiar with all of the drilling techniques utilized in the industry including; auger, air/mud rotary, casing advance, sonic, dual tube, direct push and wireline coring. He was an early leader in the use of horizontal drilling to solve environmental challenges and has authored/co-authored over twenty papers on horizontal environmental drilling methodology. Previous HitDavidNext Hit has been directly involved in the design and installation oversight of over 100,000′ of horizontal environmental wells including seventy-six blind well completions. Mr. Bardsley has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology & Geophysics along with a Communications Minor (1984) from the University of Missouri-Rolla. He is a licensed well driller in Texas, Arizona and Louisiana and holds RG/PG certifications in Texas, Missouri, Louisiana and Tennessee. Mr. Bardsley is a strong proponent of education and has served as a short course instructor at Battelle environmental conferences and University of Wisconsin Madison along with presenting environmental drilling training to students at University of Arizona and University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Previous HitDavidTop S. Bardsley: PG –TX, MO, TN, LA; Directed Technologies Drilling;

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